Series: John 1-4: The down to earth God
The Messiah
The MessiahJohn 4:43-54Richard LeadbeaterSun 27th November 2016Your browser does not support the audio element.John 1-4: The down to earth GodA series in John.
The Saviour
The SaviourJohn 4:27-42Richard LeadbeaterSun 20th November 2016Your browser does not support the audio element.John 1-4: The down to earth GodA series in John.
The Life Giver
The Life GiverJohn 4:1-26Richard LeadbeaterSun 13th November 2016Your browser does not support the audio element.John 1-4: The down to earth GodA series in John.
The Bridegroom
The BridegroomJohn 3:16-36Richard LeadbeaterSun 6th November 2016Your browser does not support the audio element.John 1-4: The down to earth GodA series in John.
The Son
The SonJohn 3:1-16Richard LeadbeaterSun 16th October 2016Your browser does not support the audio element.John 1-4: The down to earth GodA series in John.
The Temple
The TempleNo passage available.Richard LeadbeaterSun 9th October 2016Your browser does not support the audio element.John 1-4: The down to earth GodA series in John.
The Glory
The GloryJohn 2:1-12Richard LeadbeaterSun 2nd October 2016Your browser does not support the audio element.John 1-4: The down to earth GodA series in John.
The King
The KingJohn 1:35-51Richard LeadbeaterSun 25th September 2016Your browser does not support the audio element.John 1-4: The down to earth GodA series in John.
The Lamb
The LambJohn 1:19-34Richard LeadbeaterSun 18th September 2016Your browser does not support the audio element.John 1-4: The down to earth GodA series in John.
The Word
The WordJohn 1:1-18Richard LeadbeaterSun 11th September 2016Your browser does not support the audio element.John 1-4: The down to earth GodA series in John.