A Servant King

‘Christ’ was not Jesus’ surname, but his title. ‘Christ’ means ‘God’s chosen King’. And yet Jesus Christ isn’t the kind of King that we might think of today, but then, nor was he the kind of King that people expected in his own day. His mother was a virgin, not a Queen; he was born in a stable, not a Palace; his crown was made of thorns, not of gold; he didn’t get his followers to die in order to protect him, but rather he died in order to save his followers. He said that the reason he came was ‘not to be served, but to serve and give his life as a ransom for many’ (Mark 10:45). We follow a servant King, who died so that we might live. He is also…

A Powerful King

Throughout the gospels, the picture that we get of Jesus is not a weak man who walked around the Middle East wearing a nightie and sandals! Rather, we see someone who displayed awesome power and authority over all kinds of things. He said to a sick person, ‘be healed’ and he was; he said to a storm, ‘be quiet’ and it obeyed; he said to a dead girl, ‘get up’ and she did. He didn’t just help others come back from the dead, three days after was crucified he himself beat death. The reason he could do those things is because he is God’s Son who acted with God’s authority in God’s world. We follow a powerful King who has all things in his hands. He is also…

A Risen King

As Christians, we don’t follow a dead man who happened to do and say some good things 2000 years ago. Jesus is not dead but alive, and he is now in heaven, not on earth. That means that whilst we can’t see him physically, we can know him personally. We now have the joy and privilege of getting to know him, love him and serve him. Which is why the Christian faith is less about ‘religion’ and more about ‘relationship’. A relationship with the living Lord, through his word (the Bible) and by his Spirit. But whilst we can know Jesus now, we look forward to his return one day, when we will see him and serve him forever in heaven. We follow a risen King, who is alive today and will come back soon.

That’s who we follow. A risen, powerful, servant King. We love to follow him and we long for others to follow him. If you want to find out more about King Jesus, you may find the Explore Course helpful. This short video describes our King a little more…